Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We just submitted our plan review to Multnomah County, on Powell and 34th, which happens to be like 2 blocks from our house. We printed the plan review package from the website http://web.multco.us/health/food-carts-mobile-food-units and Erin helped us fill it out. The only part that was not easy was drawing the cart with all the measurements, explaining where everything is going. Again Erin rocked it out and  drew it all up. It looked good! We also had to list the food items, including all ingredients and where we are going to purchase them.

If you don't have an address yet to park the cart, which is our case, you can leave that page blank. The first stage is $290. The second stage whi is the license is $340.  After that, we will schedule for the health department, but we don't know anything about it yet.

Now the greatest part of all if the paint job. Our artist's website is http://www.cryofthewolf.com/ and he charged us a very reasonable amount. We gave him a general idea of what he wanted and he just ran with it. I am super excited to have this thing on the streets!

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