Saturday, February 19, 2011

Apparently Guarana soda is worth its weight in gold. We cannot find that anywhere. Even the only Brazilian restaurant in town does not carry it anymore. They told me that the only distributor who used to sell Brazilian products went bankrupt and does not sell it anymore. I am almost giving up, but it would be sooo great to carry Guarana soda. For the ones who are not familiar, Guarana is a soda made with guarana, which is a fruit that is only found in the Amazon forest. It's an energy fruit, and healthy for you.

We received the response from the county and our plan is approved. Yey! Now we have to call them one week before we open and make an appointment. We pay the last part of the fee, and they will inspect everything. There is a list of things we must have in order to pass the health inspection. It doesn't sound very hard.

After a long and difficult search for environmentally friendly to go containers and flatware, I found a place right around my house. I looked everywhere, and asked several people, and the deals online just weren't great. Finally, I had the brilliant idea of asking my friend Katie who also owns a food cart. The place is called Cash & Carry and they have most of the things one might need for a food cart, even food. Although their food is not cheaper then Costco, so we are going with Costco for that.

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